Runmin Cong (丛润民), a Professor with the School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University (SDU), Jinan, China. Dr. Cong is the director of Multimedia and Vision Processing Group (MVP Group), which is affiliated to the Key Laboratory of Machine Intelligence & System Control,Ministry of Education. He received the Ph.D. degree in information and communication engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in June 2019. Before joining SDU, he was an Associate Professor with the Institute of Information Science, Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), Beijing, China. He was a Research Student/Staff with Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, and the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Hong Kong SAR. His current research interests include computer vision, multimedia information processing and content understanding, visual saliency detection and segmentation, remote sensing image interpretation, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. He serves as an Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, the Neurocomputing, the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, the Signal, Image and Video Processing. Dr. Cong was a recipient of the Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by the China Association for Science and Technology (中国科协青年人才托举工程), The World’s Top 2% Scientists (2021-2023), IEEE Chester W. Sall Memorial Award, Taishan Scholar Project of Shandong Province(山东省泰山学者青年专家)Beijing Nova Program (北京市科技新星计划), Qilu Young Scholar of Shandong University (山东大学齐鲁青年学者), IEEE ICME'18 Best Student Paper Award Runner-Up, ACM SIGWEB China Rising Star Award, First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Tianjin Municipality, Excellent Doctorial Dissertation Award from CSIG and BSIG, and Excellent Scientific Paper Award for Beijing Youth. [Chinese Version]

Open Positions:
I am looking for self-motivated candidates who have solid mathematical backgrounds, strong English ability, and strong coding skills, including senior undergraduate and postgraduate. If you are interested in doing research on Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Multimedia, Deep Learning, please drop me an e-mail ( with your detailed CV.
招收山东大学硕士研究生1名(考研),欢迎电邮咨询 (
招收博士后1-2名,相关待遇请点击查询,欢迎电邮咨询 (
欢迎大家关注“MVP Lab成果分享”系列视频[点击访问B站视频合集]《深度学习》专业课视频[点击访问课程平台(含课件、视频)]

Recent News

  •  2024/09 -- One paper has been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).
  •  2024/09 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  •  2024/08 -- Our team won the championship of LSVOS Challenge-RVOS Track@ECCV 2024.
  •  2024/07 -- One paper has been accepted by ECCV 2024.
  • 2024/04 -- One paper has been accepted by International Journal of Computer Vision (JCR Q1、CCF A).
  • 2024/04 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (JCR Q1).
  • 2024/03 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Instrumentation & Measurement (JCR Q1).
  • 2024/01 -- Two papers have been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).
  • 2024/01 -- Two papers have been accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia (JCR Q1).
  • 2023/12 -- I was appointed as the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS) (JCR Q1, IF:14.255).
  • 2023/12 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (JCR Q1).
  • 2023/12 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (JCR Q1).
  • 2023/12 -- Our IEEE TCE paper is honored with the second place in the IEEE Chester W. Sall Memorial Award 2024.
  • 2023/11 -- One paper has been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).
  • 2023/10 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (JCR Q1).
  • 2023/10 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia (JCR Q1).
  • 2023/10 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Instrumentation & Measurement (JCR Q1).
  • 2023/10 -- I am honored to be recognised as The World’s Top 2% Scientists (three consecutive years).
  • 2023/10 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (JCR Q1).
  •  2023/09 -- One paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2023 (CCF A Top Conference).
  • 2023/09 -- Two patents have been authorized by China National Intellectual Property Administration.
  • 2023/08 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (JCR Q1).
  • 2023/07 -- Three papers have been accepted by ACM MM 2023 (CCF A).
  • 2023/07 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE ICCV 2023 (CCF A).
  • 2023/06 -- I am honored to be elevated to the grade of Senior Member of Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE).
  • 2023/05 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  • 2023/05 -- One paper has been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).
  • 2023/05 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  • 2023/05 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
  • 2023/04 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence.
  • 2023/03 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia (JCR Q1).
  • 2023/03 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
  • 2023/02 -- I am honored to be elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member.
  • 2023/02 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE CVPR 2023 (CCF A).
  • 2023/02 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
  • 2023/01 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/12 -- One paper have been accepted by IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/11 -- Two papers have been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).
  • 2022/11 -- The source code of [CIR-Net] (TIP 2022), [TNet] (TMM 2022) and [HybridSOD] (TCSVT 2022), the results of [PSNet] (TCTCI 2022) have been released.
  • 2022/11 -- One paper has been accepted by ACM Trans. Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications.
  • 2022/11 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
  • 2022/11 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.
  • 2022/10 -- I am honored to be recognised as the 2021 World’s Top 2% Scientists.
  • 2022/10 -- One paper have been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  • 2022/10 -- I was appointed as the Associate Editor of the Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 7.802).
  • 2022/10 -- Two papers have been accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/10 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (JCR Q2).
  • 2022/10 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
  • 2022/09 -- I was appointed as the Youth Editorial Board Member of the CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 7.985).
  • 2022/09 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics (JCR Q2).
  • 2022/09 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging.
  • 2022/08 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/08 -- One paper has been accepted by SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/07 -- I was invited as the a Senior Program Committee (SPC) Member for the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23).
  • 2022/07 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/07 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/05 -- I was appointed as the Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (SCI, JCR Q1, Impact Factor: 3.554).
  • 2022/05 -- One paper has been newly selected as ESI Hot Paper (Top 0.1% of papers in the academic field).
  • 2022/05 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/05 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
  • 2022/04 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/04 -- 录用CCF A类中文期刊《软件学报》论文1篇.
  • 2022/04 -- I am promoted to Senior Member of CCF.
  • 2022/04 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Tran. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
  • 2022/04 -- One paper has been accepted by ACM Trans. Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications.
  • 2022/03 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/03 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/03 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/03 -- Two papers have been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).
  • 2022/03 -- One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
  • 2022/03 -- One paper has been accepted by CVPR 2022 (CCF A).
  • 2022/02 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia (JCR Q1).
  • 2022/02 -- I was recognized as 2021 Outstanding Reviewer of IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
  • 2022/01 -- I was appointed as the Associate Editor of the Neurocomputing (SCI, JCR Q1, Impact Factor: 5.719).
  • 2022/01 -- I was invited as the Area Chair of the ICPR 2022.
  • 2022/01 -- One paper has been newly selected as ESI Hot Paper (Top 0.1% of papers in the academic field).
  • 2022/01 -- I am honored to be recognised as the 2020 World’s Top 2% Scientists.
  • 2022/01 -- One paper is recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
  • 2022/01 -- Two papers are recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
  • 2021/12 -- One Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation project was approved.
  • 2021/12 -- I was invited to join the editorial board of International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI, JCR Q2, Impact Factor: 3.137).
  • 2021/11 -- One paper has been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).
  • 2021/11 -- I am promoted to Senior Member of CSIG.
  • 2021/10 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (JCR Q1).
  • 2021/10 -- Two papers have been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  • 2021/10 -- I was named the recipient of the 2021 China Rising Star Award by the ACM Special Interest Group on Hypertext, Hypermedia and Web (SIGWEB).
  • 2021/10 -- My supervised second-year graduate student Mr. Chen Zhang (张晨) won the National Scholarship. Congratulations!
  • 2021/10 -- I was selected for the Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by the China Association for Science and Technology (中国科协青年人才托举工程).
  • 2021/08 -- I was selected for the Youth Talent Development Program of Beijing Jiaotong University.
  • 2021/07 -- Three papers have been accepted by ACM MM 2021 (CCF A Top Conference).
  • 2021/07 -- I was elected as a Vice Secretary-General of CSIG Working Committee for Elite Young Professionals.
  • 2021/07 -- The "Deep Learning" (Ability Platform Course) website was launched online. [Link]
  • 2021/07 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
  • 2021/07 -- One paper has been accepted by PRCV 2021.
  • 2021/06 -- I was elected as a council member of the Beijing Society of Image and Graphics (BSIG).
  • 2021/05 -- Two papers have been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper.
  • 2021/05 -- I was selected as IEEE CVPR 2021 Outstanding Reviewer.
  • 2021/05 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia (JCR Q1).
  • 2021/05 -- I was selected as the Executive Area Chair (EAC) of the VALSE.
  • 2021/04 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  • 2021/03 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE CVPR 2021 (CCF A Top Conference).
  • 2021/03 -- Four papers have been selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper.
  • 2021/03 -- One paper has been accepted by Signal Processing: Image Communication (JCR Q2).
  • 2021/01 -- The results of our CoADNet (NeurIPS'20) have been released. [----Project Page----]
  • 2021/01 -- The code and result of our DAFNet (TIP'21) have been released. [----Project Page----]
  • 2020/12 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics (JCR Q1).
  • 2020/12 -- One paper has been accepted by Information Sciences (JCR Q1).
  • 2020/11 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  • 2020/10 -- I was selected for the Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology (北京市科协青年人才托举工程).
  • 2020/09 -- One paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2020 (CCF A Top Conference).
  • 2020/09 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  • 2020/07 -- I was selected for the Beijing Nova Program (北京市科技新星计划).
  • 2020/07 -- Two papers have been accepted by ACM MM 2020 (CCF A Top Conference).
  • 2020/07 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Image Processing (CCF A, JCR Q1).
  • 2020/07 -- One paper has been accepted by ECCV 2020.
  • 2020/05 -- I was appointed as the Associate Editor of the Signal, Image and Video Processing (SCI, JCR Q2).
  • 2020/05 -- One paper has been accepted by Neurocomputing (JCR Q1).
  • 2020/04 -- One paper has been accepted by IJCAI 2020 (CCF A Top Conference).
  • 2020/02 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE CVPR 2020 (CCF A Top Conference).
  • 2020/01 -- One paper has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (JCR Q1).